Bizaran trend: Žene mažu MENSTRUALNU KRV po licu i tvrde da im koža nikad nije bila lepša (FOTO+VIDEO)

Da li je potrebno ići u ekstreme samo da bi sačuvali lepotu i mladolikost?

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Foto: Freepik/ user18526052

U moru novih trendova iz sveta lepote, normalno je da se s’ vremena na vreme pojavi i neki, koji bi, u najmanju ruku, nazvali krajnje bizarnim.

I koliko god se na sve strane govorilo da lepota dolazi u svim oblicima, te da je svaka bora priča za sebe, dame će uvek pre potegnuti za nekim novim “magičnim” rešenjem koje navodno pegla bore i čini da koža bude elastična i blistava.

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Sluz puževa, urinoterapija, izmet od slavuja (da, dobro ste pročitali), tretman pijavicama, kao i mnogi drugi, samo su neki od primera krajnje neobičnih tretmana.

Jedan od poslednjih trendova je mazanje mentrualnom krvlju, koji je u neku ruku naslednik “vampirskog tretmana”, koji je proslavila starleta Kim Kardašijan. Ipak, kod ovog, izrazito bolnog postupka, koristi se terapija iglicama i prečišćena krvna plazma. Nakon toga, rezultat je zategnuta koža lica, kao i navodno ublažavanje bilo kakvih kožnih oboljenja poput rozacee, ekcema i slično.

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A PRP facial treatment aka (vampire facial) made known by @kimkardashian This procedure is highly successful with minimal side-effects. A vampire facial includes a treatment of micro-needling followed by a mask of platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) which boosts your cell turnover. The PRP is derived from the serum portion of the blood, which contains platelets. High levels of growth factors are found in the platelets, this is then applied to the skin which will stimulate cell turnover. This treatment is beneficial to treat fine lines, large pores, discolouration, skin texture, premature wrinkles, high levels of solar damage, acne scars and melasma. Treatment price – £150 . . #kimkardashianvampirefacial #blood #prpinjection #antiaging #vampirefacial #prptherapy

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Međutim, priče o ovom tretmanu su usahnule, nakon što je u jednom salonu u Meksiku korišćena krv zaražena virusom HIV-a.

Ipak, nije trebalo da prođe previše vremena pre nego što su žene odlučile da probaju nešto što, kako kažu “nikome ne može da škodi”. Odnosno “to je ionako moja krv”.

Ideja o korišćenju menstrualne krvi nije nova, već postoji odavno, kao deo obreda “Blood Moon rituals” (“Mesečni rituali krvi”).

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It is a disrespect to use Cycle Syncing as a strategy tool for your business if you aren’t treating it as a sacred practice of being a woman, reconnecting with womb, Moon and Mother Earth! . I see the rise of cycle syncing and aligning our menstrual cycles with the Moon, archetypes and energy as a “STRATEGY” to sky rocker your business… . This is a DEEP and SACRED EMBODIMENT PRACTICE. . It is SACRED. . It is a ritual. . It is a devotion. . It is a reverence. . It is an honor in the name of you being a woman. . it is an honor in the name of your womb. . It is an honor in the name of your divine feminine energy. . It is an embodiment practice of reconnecting to Mother Earth, the Moon, Nature, Your Womb… . It is an embodiment practice of reconnecting with your intuition, your inner wisdom and your power. . It is not just another fucking strategy. It is not a fucking tool to make 10K months just because… . It is not just something you can randomly toss around and launch on your Ovulation to make money. . STOP DISRESPECTING an ancient sacred practice that women were killed for. . HONOR IT. CHERISH IT. EMBODY IT. RESPECT IT. . Reconnect with you Body. Reconnect with your Womb. Get to know yourself intimately. Track your cycle as a sacred act. Track your energy to get to know yourself better. Reconnect with your Intuition. Reconnect with the Moon and Mother Earth. Reconnect with your Feminine Energy. . More on Cycle Syncing as a Sacred Embodiment Practice coming soon…. . xoxo, Mary Image: triple moon alchemy

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Meri Miranda (36) svoju menstrualnu krv koristi kao tretman za lice i tvrdi da joj je koža zbog toga mekana i sjajna, a podstiče i druge žene da probaju, piše na britanskom portalu Mirror. Ona tvrdi da je imala velikih problema sa kožom nakon operacije ciste na jajniku, a same menstruacije su joj bile toliko bolne da je neretko povraćala.

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A RITUAL to HONOR my WOMB and PERIOD. . This post is more than just my sacred menstrual blood smeared on my face. . Is a sacred ritual to honor my divine Goddess and sacred femininity. . Is an act of reverence and respect to my womb, my divinity, my uterus, my only ovary and my body. . It is how I reconnected and found a deeper connection to my body, my womb, my inner truth and intuition. . I have been doing “sacred period blood facials” almost monthly for the past 1.5 years. . ?I have suffered from painful periods since I was 13, it was a monthly ordeal that I hated, despised and felt disgusted by. I’d be crawled in a ball in the bathroom, sweating, low blood pressure and puking from the pain and then in bed with my heating pad. I ended in ER twice from the excruciating pain I felt. ?I remember I stained my school uniform in 7th grade and I was made fun of. Consequently each month I used to be paranoid and hyper vigilant of not staining my clothes, yet it happened often. ?In 2006 I suddenly lost my right ovary due to a ruptured cyst after fainting 5 times and woke up with that harsh reality. ?Late 2017 I faced the reality that I had a 9cm Uterine Fibroid Tumor and a cyst wrapped that my left ovary and I faced the potential reality of a hysterectomy that the surgeon would decide during my surgery. . I cried for days thinking “I won’t be able to be a Mother!!” . I was in anxiety for 3 months waiting my surgery. . With major success my surgeon saved my only ovary, fallopian tube and uterus and I was diagnosed with Endometriosis after my surgery. . I prayed every day to my higher source, Universe and asked for my uterus and only ovary to be saved. I’d send love and gratitude daily to them and I promised to honor and worship my womb and periods with reverence each month if they were saved… . And here we are today… . I’m deeply honored and proud to show you one of the rituals I sacredly do each month. . I don’t do it for added health benefits, nutrients, improving skin or anything that could be in period blood. . #bloodfacial #periodblood #periodbloodart #moonbloodgood #moonblood #cyclesyncing #redmooncycle #whitemooncycle #wombhealing #divinefeminine

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Nakon što joj lekovi nisu pomagali, okrenula se alternativnim varijantama. Samu krv, Meri drži se na licu do 30 minuta i kako tvrdi, rešila je o tome javno da priča kako bi razbila tabue, a da menstrualna krv ima antizapaljenska svojstva i da je puna važnih nutrijenata i minerala, poput cinka, magnezijuma, kalcijuma, gvožđa, kalijuma…

Nije trebalo mnogo vremena pre nego što su i mnoge druge žene pokušale isto. Rezultati su različiti, kako se i očekivalo, a mnogi doktori upozoravaju da štetne strane ovih postupaka.

Na kraju, činjenica je ipak da magično rešenje ne postoji. Da biste sačuvali mladolikost i da bi vam i koža i telo bili zdravi, potrebno je da promenite loše navike. Hidratacija kao i saveti stručnjaka su jedino što vam mogu zaista pomoći na tom putu, a neispitane i potencijalno opasne procedure, izbegavajte, jer možete napraviti veći problem nego što ste ga imali.

Šta vi kažete, da li biste probali ovako nešto?

@yurmomsboxtry this, trust me ladies. it works!!!! ##MAYBEITSMAYBELLINE ##GreenScreenSky ##LittleBitFancy ##Flashback ##fyp

♬ Renee – Sales


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