Njima treba ZABRANITI ulazak u restoran: Stavljaju noge na stolicu, prave LOM i ne mogu da obuzdaju decu

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Foto: Printscreen/Reddit

Nekim ljudima možda ne bi trebalo dopuštati ulazak u restorane.

U prilog tome idu i postovi gde se mogu pronaći razni primerci ljudskog roda – sve vrste takvih ljudi, od onih koji ne mogu obuzdati svoju decu pa sve do ljudi koji se ponašaju kao da se čitav svet okreće oko njih.

Instalirajte našu iOS ili Android aplikaciju – Objektiv.rs

This was posted in as restaurant facebook group from r/trashy

Zašto, zašto, zašto?

Displaying your bare feet in a restaurant from r/trashy

Da li ovakav lom i krš ostavljate i kod kuće?

This is what someone left at a buffet because they were mad they found 2 dirty plates and were asked to wear a mask from r/trashy

Bakšiš u običnom papiru, baš lepo!

Tipping with an IOU from r/trashy

U sred pandemije ostaviti ovo ovako na stolu? Stvarno strašno.

Leaving your used bandaid for your server to clean up during a pandemic. from r/trashy

Ovo je vrhunac nepoštovanja – ne moraš da ostaviš bakšiš, ali nemoj ni da vređaš radnike lažnim novcem.

Here’s a TIP, it’s trashy as hell to leave fake money as a tip that advertises your candidate. from r/trashy

Lepo je što se hvalite koliko vam je dete nevaspitano i kako se loše ponaša u restoranu, ali dugoročno gledano to baš i nije najbolje.

Parents bragging on Facebook about their kid’s awful behavior while out to dinner at a restaurant. from r/trashy

Zašto bi se neko brijao u kupatilu restorana?! I još ne počisti za sobom. Zaista, nekim ljudima fali malo osnovne kulture.

Thank you to whoever decided they would shave in the sink (AT A RESTAURANT) and leave it like this. Believe it or not this isn’t even the first time someone has bathed, hotboxed,shaved, rolled blunts,etc in our bathroom and just left. from r/trashy


Izvor: Objektiv.rs, Reddit

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